Fed: Government to expand special forces anti-terror unit =2
ADF counter-terrorist capability is centred on Tactical Assault Groups provided bythe SAS out of Perth and by the Army's commando battalion based outside Sydney.
Mr Howard said Brigadier Duncan Lewis, current head of special operations in ADF headquarters,would be promoted to major general to head the new Special Operations Command.
He said it would enjoy command status equivalent to maritime, land and air commands.
It will comprise a joint headquarters for the Special Air Service Regiment, 4th BattalionRoyal Australian Regiment (Commando), Tactical Assault Groups west and east, 1 CommandoRegiment and the Incident Response Regiment.
"Along with delivering this greater capacity, the government is committed to ensuringthe command of our special forces ensures the maximum effectiveness of our response toany terrorist threat or incident," Mr Howard said.
The government will also accelerate the purchase of extra troop lift helicopters, mostlikely Black Hawks, to enable a squadron of helicopters to be based in Sydney.
Mr Howard said he had also given Defence Chief General Peter Cosgrove the job of developinga separate proposal for greater involvement of ADF reserves in the response to domesticterror threats or incidents.
"Additional training will be given to some elements of the ADF Reserve to prepare themfor short notice employment in domestic protective security roles," he said.
AAP mb/kjp/mg/sb
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