понедельник, 12 марта 2012 г.

We have strong arguments to re-open Saltford station

A community-based campaign has been launched in Saltford for there-opening of Saltford Railway Station closed in 1970. The railwaystation site sits alongside the congested A4 main road between Bathand Bristol.

Electrification of the main-line from Paddington through Saltfordwill give extra capacity on the line.

A re-opened railway station may reduce traffic on the A4 andserve a community of 4,200 people in Saltford itself, the villagesof Corston, Newton St Loe and, significantly, also serve the NewtonPark campus of Bath Spa University. The economic, environmental andsocial case to re-open Saltford Railway Station is strong. It wouldprovide improved, alternative and sustainable transport for ourcommunity. The GW Mainline Route Utilisation Strategy (2010) writtenby Network Rail, already envisages an hourly shuttle train servicefrom Bath Spa to Bristol Temple Meads and possibly on to Avonmouth.It would seem a missed opportunity if this commuter shuttle was ableto stop at all the existing stations but pass through Saltfordbecause it did not have a station.

Saltford Station, sitting alongside the A4, the river and cycle-path is a perfect hub for activities in the Avon Valley.

Re-opening Saltford Railway Station fits the aims of the West ofEngland Partnership and the revised draft Core Strategy for B&NESCouncil.

The campaign has the support of the local parish council and theconstituency MP, Jacob Rees-Mogg.

B&NES is conducting a feasibility study in this financial yearand is also pressing the case for Saltford Station to be included inthe new 2013 GW Franchise.

The West of England Transport Executive is working already withthe Department for Transport to ensure 'passive provision' forSaltford Station when the electrification and re-signalling takesplace.

With the line, signalling, pedestrian bridge and stationfootprint in place, a station with basic platforms could bereinstated at reasonable cost. The Government may promote publictransport investment like this as a means of injecting future growthinto the economy.

All the indications are that Saltford Railway Station can bereopened but now the crucial step is to demonstrate a good businesscase. This entails establishing potential passenger use.

A local petition is being conducted in Saltford in November. Inaddition, can I ask all businesses, organisations and regularvisitors to Saltford who would use a reopened Saltford Station tocontact us and I will forward the replies to all the relevant bodiesinvolved in the decision process. For the latest local news on thecampaign, please visit www.saltfordenvironmentgroup.org.uk and clickon the link to the Saltford Station Campaign site.


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